Courthouse Green Primary School

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Courthouse Green Local Governing Body

Many schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school.  A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’; to support, to challenge, to ask questions and ultimately to represent the school community. 

The Local Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher, the Board of the Multi Academy Trust and the school staff.  Whilst the Headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school the local governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings, health and safety and safeguarding.  It ensures the school functions well and maintains the required range of academic and social objectives and enables the local governors to report to the Trust Board. 

The standard term of office for a Local Governor is four years. The Chair and Vice-chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year. Our Chair of Governors is LJ Winterburn who can be contacted via the school office. 

The full Local Governing Body meets once per year.  Much of the work is done by committees which meet at least every term (three times in the year) and more often where required.  At Courthouse Green Primary School we have the following committees. 

Pupil Outcomes Leadership Team

Personal Development and Wellbeing Leadership Team  

Our Local Governing Body









  • Angela Pagett
    Vice Chair
  • Justine McKim
    Co-Opted Governor
  • LJ Winterburn
  • Harry Maeers
    Co-Opted Governor
  • Mary Hoverd
    Co-Opted Governor
  • Carrie Curley
    Parent Governor
  • Sandip Hundal
    Parent Governor
  • Sarah Malam
    Headteacher Governor
  • Bindi Chauli
    Staff Governor
  • Maria Unitt
    Board Member
  • Jennie Burbidge
  • Claire Jones
  • Richard Cosby
    Co-opted Governor
  • Christina Rothwell
    Parent Governor









 Governance Documents

Governance Document February 2024

LGB Governance information, including attendance 2022/2023 

Triumph Trust Board information, including attendance, July 2022

Disclosure of Interest Nov 2021

Terms of Office 2021

2023/2024 Meeting Dates

Term of Reference Document


Previous Documents can be found here:

CHG Governance Documents 2016-2020

Further information can be found here


All Governors are contactable through the school. 

Please ask at the school office for details.