Courthouse Green Primary School

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We Are Part OfTriumph MAT

Behaviour Information

Behaviour Policy

‘Visible consistency with visible kindness allows exceptional behaviour to flourish’

At Courthouse Green, all children should have a safe and happy place to learn, to do this we aim for all children to demonstrate impeccable behaviour at all times, both in and out of the classroom. Our aim is for children to manage their own behaviour and to be responsible for their own actions.

Because we promote a climate of kindness and want the best for each and every child we expect everyone in school to act as role models promoting our core values: 

  • Act with kindness,  
  • Work with pride  
  • Be resilient 
  • Collaborate together 
  • Strive to improve 
  • Take responsibility 

These values are used consistently across the school and children are taught through assemblies, themed curriculum and PSHCE lessons how to demonstrate these values at different ages and in different places, in and out of school. All classrooms have the values displayed and they are regularly referred to as part of the children’s learning. Children should always be praised for demonstrating the core values.


The school values should be used by all adults to support children to make the right behaviour choices. If a child has not shown good behaviour choices the language of the values should be used to help the child reflect on and improve their future behaviour.


Good behaviour must be role modelled and promoted by all staff at all times. Around school children should be given regular, specific praise for excellent behaviour. Our school reward system are Dojo's. The reward system is designed to celebrate and encourage the skills and traits that are needed for children to develop a positive attitude towards their learning and development and to support them to become responsible members of the school community. The children need to work together as a class to collect as many Dojos's as they can, encouraging collaboration and positive relationships.



Supporting children to reflect on their own behaviour

It is our policy for all children to learn to take responsibility for their behaviour and to understand the consequences of inappropriate behaviour. Following a behaviour incident, it is essential that an adult discusses the issue with the child, not in learning time, so that they understand how the behaviour did not follow the school rules and the consequence of their actions for themselves and others around them. They must understand how they can improve the behaviour and the child must make every attempt to put right the wrong that he/she has done. This can be done by a verbal apology, a written letter of apology (written in detention) or repair of any damaged property. Adults must take every opportunity to praise the child for improved behaviour following the incident.

Lunchtime Reflection

Children who receive a lunchtime reflection for level 2, 3 or 4 behaviours will be accompanied to the classroom by their class teacher or year group LSA with a clear explanation of the behaviour they have shown and how this does not demonstrate our school values.

The lunchtime reflection session is a circle time approach to:

  • teach children the impact of the behaviours they have shown
  • support children to take responsibility for their own behaviour
  • know how to repair the impact of their behaviours with an apology
  • have positive strategies to improve their future behaviour. 

The circle time session is led by teachers and includes mindfulness and group discussions.