Courthouse Green Primary School

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Enhanced Resource Provision

What is the Enhanced Resource Provision? 

As part of Courthouse Green's commitment to ensuring all children have the opportunity to achieve the highest of standards and to support the needs of all pupils, we are the host school for 2 Enhanced Resource Provisions (ERP) both of which are commissioned by Coventry City Council. 

The first 14 place ERP is for children who have an EHCP where they need specialist provision to support Speech and Language disorders. 

The second ERP has 10 places for children who have a significant cognition and communication need.  Our teachers ensure children's individual needs are met by teaching in small groups with a range of specialist resources. The children who access our ERP are fully integrated into the daily life of school and make outstanding progress as a result of the high level of provision they are receiving.

The Enhanced Resource Provisions are very much an integral part of our school and children will have access to the facilities and opportunities that this provides. Children will access the parts of mainstream school which staff feel that they would benefit from e.g. assemblies, PE lessons, maths lessons or topic lessons and trips and visits.

Children who attend the Enhanced Resource Provision will have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) with disordered speech and language and/or complex communication and interaction difficulties or low cognition as their primary area of need. 

How does the Enhanced Resource Provision work?

The Enhanced Resource Provision works on an individual approach in order to meet the needs of each child; there is no specific way of doing things.

Our vision is:

“To equip our children with the toolkit they need in order to meet their individual needs and to feel included in and participate in the wider life of the school through access to a mainstream provision. To work in partnership with parents, mainstream staff and outside agencies to develop children’s self -regulation skills, increase their independence and prepare them for their future lives.”

The Core purposes of the Enhanced Resource Provisions are:         

  • Specialist input for each child’s needs.
  • Self-regulation – learning how to self-regulate and the strategies each individual child needs in order to do it.
  • Pre and Post Teaching – to ensure full access to the curriculum and development of basic skills.
  • Communication and Language – develop language skills. 

What will my child learn in the Enhanced Resource Provision?

In the Enhanced Resource Provision, the children follow the EYFS, KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum, which is differentiated to their ability. This includes:

  • English which includes, reading, writing, spelling and phonics,
  • Maths,
  • Topic which includes opportunities for children to develop their history, geography, science, RE, PSHE and PE skills and knowledge.

In addition to this, we aim to develop the whole child by teaching specific skills, which focus upon:

  • Language development,
  • Communication and interaction skills,
  • Emotional regulation,
  • Social skills,
  • Concentration and attention skills,
  • Development of fine and gross motor skills.

We aim to teach the National Curriculum and develop the whole child through a variety of ways such as group work, 1:1 sessions, access to mainstream class, practical activities and the use of trips and visitors. We endeavour to make learning fun, engaging and purposeful. 

How will my child be supported in the Enhanced Resource Provision?

In our Enhanced Resource Provisions, we have numerous resources and equipment to support children. We also use a range of know strategies which support children with low cognition, language and Communication and Interaction skills e.g. visual resources, clear language, use of timetables.

Children are also supported by the adults in the Enhanced Resource Base (see below) and a range of external agencies, such as:

  • Coventry SEND Complex Communication Team,
  • Coventry SEND Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Learning Team,
  • Coventry SEND Educational Psychology.


  • NHS Speech and Language Therapy,
  • NHS Occupational and Physiotherapy,
  • NHS RISE (Neurodevelopmental Team, CAMHs and Primary Mental Health).

Children’s needs are discussed regularly in planning meetings, meeting with parents and IEP meetings and practice is adapted to meet their ever changing needs. The children’s EHCP are reviewed in a formal annual basis, or sooner if needed, through an Annual review.

How do I apply for a place in the Enhanced Resource Provision?

Children are placed in the Enhanced Resource Provision by the Local Authority in consultation with parents and professionals, including staff at their current educational placement, any outside agencies involved with the child and the Enhanced Resource Provision staff. Transition for each child is carefully planned and managed depending on his/her individual needs.

Parents interested in sending their child to Courthouse Green Enhanced Resource Provision must contact Coventry Local Authority SEN department on 024 7683 1614 and speak to their child’s EHCP Coordinator (as named on draft/proposed/final EHCP).