- School grounds
- Biodiversity (plants and animals)
- Waste
- Litter
- Marine
- Energy (electricity)
- Transport
- Healthy living
- Water
- Global citizenship
The Eco-Council at Courthouse Green strive to make the school more environmentally friendly. There are passionate representatives of the school. Eco Council is led by our Eco Champion Ms Cox. The Eco School Council at Courthouse Green is made up of 20 students from year 2-6 all of whom have an interest in making a difference to environmental challenges. The children are elected by their class peers and attend regular meetings to discuss ways of helping our school to understand global environmental issues. We share our ideas through assemblies and social media. In 2022 our Eco Team was awarded the prestigious green flag which can be seen proudly flying outside the front of the school building. Eco Council have also renewed their green flag status this academic year and continue to strive to improve our school’s sustainability.