Anti-Racist Pledge
“For there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it, if only we’re brave enough to be it’ Amanda Gorman – The Hill We Climb
We will collaborate with each other to ensure that everyone knows and believes that they belong here. We will show kindness and respect to everyone as we are all equal, no matter our faith, our race, our ethnicity or heritage.
We will strive to improve our communities by sharing our own learning with people so that they can learn as well.
We will act with responsibility and pride whenever we see injustice and we will make a stand, speak up and call people out. Silence in never an option.
We want everyone to feel safe and that our school is a Sanctuary for all – it does not matter to us how you arrived here, just that you are part of our school and community.
We will strive to improve the diversity amongst staff employed to work at our school; partnering with organisations that will help us to reach talent from Black, Asian or minority ethnic backgrounds.